Personnel Records Verification


What records will be verified this year’s VIPR Agreements

  • Engine Personnel
  • Ambulance
  • Fallers
    Note: On Fallers we are NOT verifying level of faller qualification, only verifying that they have had the Basic Firefighter Course and if appropriate the RT130 this year if the Basic Firefighter Course was taken in a previous year, and that they have a current pack test for the year.

All records inspected need a government issued photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, Tribal, etc…) This ID must be current. When you submit your records, check to be sure the ID you sent previously is not expired. If you’re not sure the records inspector will send a note requesting one.

Please check the following before you send your records in for review:

1. Please be sure all the training is entered into the database, i.e. IS-700 and IS-100 certs.

2. Please be sure the qualification date for FFT2/FALLER or FFT2/EMTF (or other Ambulance Quals) are the last day of the FFT2 class or the latest date of required training needed for that qualification. The qualification date for FFT1 and ENGB is the date the taskbook is signed off, or the latest date of required training needed for that qualification.
3. Please don’t make your cards until you have the correct qualification date in the training record.  The only qualifications that I am verifying is FFT2, FFT1, ENGB and FALLER.  You can put FFT1-TRN and ENGB-TRN qualifications on your cards if appropriate.  Remember to send a shift ticket for Red dot if you put FFT1-TRN on a card.
4. The currency/expiration date for the qualification is 5 years from the qualification date.  You’ll need to send a shift ticket to update the currency if they are expired.

5. If you are moving a FFT2 from yellow to red please send one shift ticket to prove their experience.

6. For returning firefighters please only send RT-130 cert IF NOT FROM A WCFA CLASS.7. You only need to send one pack test if everyone being reviewed is on it.

8. For promoting firefighters please send complete taskbook (excluding blank or unneeded pages), 1 shift ticket in previous position, 15 shift tickets as a trainee and any non-WCFA certificates of the required training. (See detailed information for each position below)

9. For new Firefighters please remember to send a copy of a driver’s license or other government issued photo ID with FEMA Certs or non-WCFA certs needed for inspection.  ID has to be current and cannot be expired.

10. Send a payment with your submissions so we can complete the record review and not have to go back in when I get the payment or ask for the payment.

12. It’s OK if you have some red X’s in your employee’s record when you submit them as long as you turned in hard copies for the record.

Our Fee Schedule and Payment Process for 2023

Payment must be made online before inspections will be completed.
Before you send us your records it is essential that you check to be sure you have all the required documentation needed to verify the position.  If you are missing any records your submission will be delayed and you will be required to pay the appropriate submission fee again.

WCFA Member’s Utilizing Database for Review

Returning and Second Employer Card:
$5.00 each

      New/Advancing Employees:
$10.00 each

WCFA Member’s mailing or dropping off records or records that will take extra time to be reviewed with minimal assistance from records inspector:
$15.00 each

WCFA Member’s who do not utilize the database and want the WCFA to enter all the information, create cards, submit records for review, etc:
$30.00 each

Member’s login to the website to pay on our Members Payment page

Non-Member Submission: $25.00 per employee

Cards can be made for an additional $5.00
Non-Member’s can click on the Non-Members Payment Page on our website.

How do I submit my records?

Ø You may submit your records electronically to or via USPS, or Fax directly to 509-352-9736. If emailing PDF format is preferred.
Please submit each employee separately in an email when your advancing or submitting a new FFT2.

Ø You may schedule an appointment to bring your hard COPIES (not originals) to our Records Inspector. If you bring originals that need copied you will pay an extra fee for copies and the inspectors time.

Members be sure you submit your records for review in the database prior to sending your paperwork to our Records Inspector.  Also be sure to create new cards and update the database with any new information that will be needed in the inspection process.

If you have any questions please contact Danielle Sims at:
348 Twisp Carlton Road,
Carlton, WA. 98814

Phone: 425-239-6613 – Fax: 509-352-9736
